Our Services
We support and empower victims and survivors to lead lives free from the impacts of violence and ensure access to
culturally safe legal and non-legal support service, including;
• Legal advice and casework assistance that prioritises clients experiencing family violence
• Court support
• Community engagement and outreach programs focused on improving family safety
• Early intervention and family violence prevention programs
• Community legal education sessions
• Referral, information and support services
We aim to make it easy to find and receive our help.
Our Services
We support and empower victims and survivors to lead lives free from the impacts of violence and ensure access to
culturally safe legal and non-legal support service, including;
• Legal advice and casework assistance that prioritises clients experiencing family violence
• Court support
• Community engagement and outreach programs focused on improving family safety
• Early intervention and family violence prevention programs
• Community legal education sessions
• Referral, information and support services
We aim to make it easy to find and receive our help.
Legal Support
We will help you navigate the legal system whilst maintaining cultural safety.
We provide trauma-informed services and assistance, including;
Supporting victims and survivors of domestic violence by linking you to relevant support services, applying for (or varying current) protection orders (in some cases defending applications made against you) and going to court with you.
Assisting you with the completion of documentation for the Victims Register to notify victims of offender’s movements when in custody, and communicating with providers on your behalf.
Assisting with registration on the victims register to notify you of offender’s location whilst in custody, or making a victim assist claim for compensation.
Advice and representation for family law matters such as cultural adoption, parenting disputes or divorce. Assistance with urgent recovery orders when a child is removed from the main carer, mediation to resolve disputes, preparing consent orders or parenting plans and where required court intervention.
Advice and representation for parents and guardians about their children when there is involvement with Child Safety. Assistance provided for meeting and communicating with Child Safety, explaining child safety agreements or orders, and requiring court representation to contest applications or negotiate outcomes. Note that this can be provided at any stage, including early intervention to prevent escalation.
Advice and assistance to make a compensation claim for you or someone impacted by a violent crime, including domestic violence. Assistance includes explaining eligibility and applying for compensation under the Victims Assist Queensland Scheme.
Advice and in some cases representation for minor civil matters such as Blue Card applications or QCAT proceedings.
Advice and assistance in preparing victim impact statements for the court.
Non-Legal Support
To ensure we don’t overlook your non-legal needs, we facilitate wraparound wellbeing support, including
- Non-legal case management services; and
- Referral, information and support services.
Through our Case Management services, we will connect you with the most appropriate support service, including alcohol and drug support services, specialist counselling and family support services, health and wellbeing providers, financial support services and housing support services.
We maintain strong working relationships with our support services. This ensures our clients are provided with the most appropriate wraparound support.
Policy and Law Reform
We are dedicated to making a difference not only to improving the current legal processes, but also within the provision of legal services themselves. By identifying current systemic short falls through our work observations, we maintain our on-going focus upon improving equitable access to justice for all peoples within the community. We contribute to relevant policy and law reform initiatives on both a state and federal level.
Community Legal Education and Early Intervention and Prevention Programs
We deliver community legal education, early intervention and prevention programs that contribute to preventing family violence and sexual assault. All programs developed are culturally appropriate, practical and reflect regional relevance. Our presentations are uniquely tailored to the specific community we are visiting and their needs. Please visit our Project page if you are interested in our team coming out to you.
Community Events and Engagement
We arrange and attend events at a local, state and national level to raise awareness about family violence and promote healthy change in our communities.
Please visit our Project page if you are interested in collaborating with our team.