
With the digital domain rapidly becoming the main space where we operate in the modern world, understanding and knowing how to use the internet (digital literacy) is now an important necessity for individuals to fully participate in society. This is especially crucial for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, who may face cultural or language barriers which make navigating the internet safely challenging. 

eSafety is about educating and raising awareness on the dangers of the internet and how to avoid them. By starting the conversation on eSafety, individuals and families can be better equipped to stay safe in the digital world.

Grandparents & Carers

Grandparents and Carers face unique challenges with eSafety as they need to not only educate themselves about technology and the risks of the internet, but also ensure the safety of young ones while they navigate the online world. 

This animation addresses some of the challenges that First Nations Grandparents and
Carers may face with regards to eSafety. After you finish watching this story, a collection of PDF resources are available below for additional reading.

Young Women

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls face constant online abuse and
harassment, including threats, stalking, bullying, and unconsented sharing of
intimate images. Educating against these risks is crucial, although while the responsibility doesn’t lie with those being abused, individuals can take steps to safeguard themselves.

In this animated story, we look at two sisters having an open and honest yarn about what to look out for and how to protect each other against these problems. Find further reading to provide more information in the documents below. 


Young Men

Starting a yarn with young First Nations people, especially boys and young men, is
fundamental to making sure the online world is a safe and respectful place.
Although online might be a digital space, abusive behaviour and poor decisions
lead to real-world and severe consequences.

In this final animated story, we look at two men discussing an uncomfortable issue
of how to correctly behave online. After watching the video, read through the
documents below for more information. 

esafety resources


Online Safety for Grandparents and Carers:
A guide to help Grandparents and Carers protect our kids online. 


Keep Our Mob Safe Online:
A guide to help Parents, Carers, and Educators protect out kids online.


Staying Safe Online:
A training resource for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander Women, Parents, and Young People.


Online Safety for Under 5’s:
A guide to help Parents, Carers, and Educators protect our Undanoos online.


Youth Respect Matters:
A guide to help youth while online to understand the positive influence of respect.


QIFVLS eSafety  Business Card:
Quick guide for online safety.


QIFVLS eSafety Poster 1 English A3


QIFVLS eSafety Poster 1 TI Creole A3


QIFVLS eSafety  Poster 2 English A3


QIFVLS eSafety  Poster 2 TI Creole A3


QIFVLS eSafety  Poster 3 English A3


QIFVLS eSafety  Poster 3 TI Creole A3

Funding for this project was provided by the eSafety Commissioner. Please follow the link to see other eSafety resources available.
